Welcome to our shopping page! Here we list any items we have for sale that are not rabbits! Let us know if anything catches your eye.
If you want to do local pickup please bring cash.
If you want to order online and have it shipped to you go to: Etsy shop!
Bunny Ornaments Set of 9
The hearts pattern on each ornament can be replaced with a different pattern if you wish. Let me know what you want and I'll try to make it happen!
Customized Ornaments (Each)
The following Ornaments can be customized with Text. Bunny Names and dates are popular engravings.
Please let me know the following information:
How many ornaments you want (And the ornament numbers)
What text you want displayed on the ornament
Build a Bunny!
This build a bunny kit is easy to paint and put together!
You can customize the name on the nameplate just let me know what name you want on your bunny!
The kit comes with a lot of accessories. You can build your bunny however you wish! As you can see in the picture above, each bunny I built has different accessories in different places.
It's a fun project to do with the kids!